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Spiderman Performer

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  • Wed, 31 Jul
    31 Jul 2024, 15:00 – 17:00
    Bristol, Stockwood Ln, Bristol BS14 8SJ, UK
    Only 50 spaces, extremely limited spaces. adults discounted tickets, all attendees much have a valid ticket
  • Sun, 04 Aug
    04 Aug 2024, 14:00 – 16:00
    Totton, EMPIRE HALL Parade, Salisbury Rd, Totton, Southampton SO40 3PY, UK
    Only 50 spaces, extremely limited spaces. adults discounted tickets, all attendees much have a valid ticket
  • Wed, 07 Aug
    Gorse Hill community hall
    07 Aug 2024, 14:00 – 16:00
    Gorse Hill community hall, Community Hall, 8DA, U3A Office, Gorse Hill Community Centre, 86 Chapel St, Gorse Hill, Swindon SN2 8DA, UK
    Only 50 spaces, extremely limited spaces. adults discounted tickets, all attendees much have a valid ticket
  • Thu, 08 Aug
    Kewstoke, Weston
    08 Aug 2024, 14:00 – 16:00
    Kewstoke, Weston, Crookes Ln, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare BS22 9XB, UK
    Only 50 spaces, extremely limited spaces. adults discounted tickets, all attendees much have a valid ticket
  • Sun, 18 Aug
    18 Aug 2024, 14:00 – 16:00
    Totton, EMPIRE HALL Parade, Salisbury Rd, Totton, Southampton SO40 3PY, UK
    Only 50 spaces, extremely limited spaces. adults discounted tickets, all attendees much have a valid ticket
  • Wed, 21 Aug
    Gorse Hill Community Centre
    21 Aug 2024, 14:00 – 16:00
    Gorse Hill Community Centre, Gorse Hill Community Centre, 86 Chapel St, Gorse Hill, Swindon SN2 8DA, UK
    Only 50 spaces, extremely limited spaces. adults discounted tickets, all attendees much have a valid ticket
  • Wed, 28 Aug
    28 Aug 2024, 15:00 – 17:00
    Bristol, Stockwood Ln, Bristol BS14 8SJ, UK
    Only 50 spaces, extremely limited spaces. adults discounted tickets, all attendees much have a valid ticket
  1. Character Interaction: As Spider-Man, you'll want to interact with people in character. Use playful poses, gestures, and movements that are characteristic of Spider-Man. Think about how Spider-Man would act in different situations - he's often energetic, friendly, and humorous.

  2. Safety First: Make sure your costume is comfortable and safe. Ensure you have good visibility, especially if you're going to be interacting with children. Stay hydrated, especially if you're in the costume for extended periods.

  3. Know Some Catchphrases: Spider-Man has some classic catchphrases like "Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" or "With great power comes great responsibility." Using these can add authenticity to your character.

  4. Photo Poses: People will want to take photos with you, so think of some fun poses. Hanging from "webs," pointing heroically, or crouching in a classic Spidey pose are all great options.

  5. Study Spider-Man's Moves: Watch Spider-Man movies, cartoons, and read comics to get a feel for how he moves and acts. This will help you embody the character more convincingly.

  6. Practice Movements: Practice swinging motions with your arms, crouching down in Spider-Man poses, and perhaps even a bit of "web-slinging" action.

  7. Stay in Character: Once you put on the suit, you are Spider-Man! Stay in character throughout your appearance. Kids especially will appreciate the authenticity.

  8. Be Friendly and Approachable: Spider-Man is known for being approachable and friendly. Smile and engage with everyone, especially kids who might be excited to meet their favorite superhero.

Activities we do

  • Meet and Greets:Flips and tricks walking around, waving, and giving high-fives can be a big hit.

  • Dance and Move: Spider-Man is nimble and agile, so dancing or doing fun movements can entertain crowds.

  • Storytelling: If it's appropriate, we can tell simple Spider-Man stories or jokes to entertain kids.

  • Pose for Photos: This will likely be a big part of the event. Get ready to strike fun poses with us,kids of all ages.

Where we Perform

  • Children's Parties: Being a Spider-Man mascot can be a highlight for a kid's birthday party.

  • Events and Festivals: Local events, festivals, or parades we often have mascots roaming around for photo ops.

  • Schools and Libraries: Spider-Man can make an appearance at schools or libraries for special events or reading programs.

  • Charity Events: Consider volunteering your time as Spider-Man for charity events or fundraisers. It's a great way to give back while having fun.

Remember, being a mascot is all about bringing joy and excitement to those around you. Have fun with it, and enjoy the experience of being the amazing Spider-Man!

Hey there, true believers! Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man here, back with another web-tastic update from the streets of New York. It's been a wild ride lately, and I figured it's high time to spill the web beans on what's been happening in my spidey-world.

Web-Slinging Adventures: You wouldn't believe the acrobatics I pulled off today. Swinging between skyscrapers, dodging Goblin gliders, and stopping purse snatchers—it's all in a day's work. The city may be bustling with chaos, but hey, someone's gotta keep it safe, right?

Spidey's Playlist: Ever wonder what tunes get the ol' spider-senses tingling?

Lately, I've been jamming to the classics—some good old '60s rock. Nothing like swinging through the concrete jungle with a bit of Led Zeppelin in my ears. Maybe I should start a Spidey playlist for my fans!

Villainous Encounters: The Sinister Six has been up to their old tricks again. Doc Ock tried to pull a fast one on me, but you know me, always quick with the quips and quicker with the webs. Fighting crime might be tough, but it's nothing a few well-timed jokes can't fix.

Peter Parker Problems: In the non-mask-wearing part of my life, things are getting interesting too. Juggling work at the Daily Bugle, keeping Aunt May in the dark about my double life, and trying to ace my college classes—all while making time for a decent cup of coffee. Life as Peter Parker is no picnic, let me tell you.

Fan Mail: Shoutout to all you amazing fans who've been webbing in your support! Your letters and fan art swing right into the ol' heart. Remember, you're the reason I keep swinging into action every day.


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